State of Rhode Island Census Designated Places - 2020 Census - Data as of January 1, 2020
G4210 28070467880789 4403520 44 03520 02378100 Ashaway Ashaway CDP 57 S U1 1501 622 6148842 108207 M N N +41.4259538 -071.7852387 +41.4280195 -071.7862139
G4210 28070467880790 4408020 44 08020 02378102 Bradford Bradford CDP 57 S U1 1457 580 4706843 39515 R N N +41.3944640 -071.7540510 +41.3889965 -071.7644155
G4210 280703939547003 4412340 44 12340 02631328 Carolina Carolina CDP 57 S U1 924 397 6374410 53734 R N N +41.4625519 -071.6585138 +41.4594215 -071.6542233
G4210 280705333018771 4414320 44 14320 02631329 Charlestown Charlestown CDP 57 S U1 1714 1815 5861532 1489579 U N N +41.3782780 -071.6284693 +41.3780690 -071.6265635
G4210 280703939547020 4414860 44 14860 02631330 Chepachet Chepachet CDP 57 S U1 1704 778 14265494 306019 M N N +41.9104187 -071.6653560 +41.9108447 -071.6620875
G4210 280703939547026 4415940 44 15940 02631331 Clayville Clayville CDP 57 S U1 312 123 4465397 49693 R N N +41.7733826 -071.6853358 +41.7691651 -071.6921057
G4210 28070251138919 4420260 44 20260 02378104 Cumberland Hill Cumberland Hill CDP 57 S U1 8140 3393 8238052 515431 M N N +41.9736097 -071.4604735 +41.9749598 -071.4600296
G4210 280703939547033 4427640 44 27640 02631333 Foster Center Foster Center CDP 57 S U1 333 157 5614385 37467 R N N +41.7898488 -071.7327298 +41.7899611 -071.7315888
G4210 280703939547059 4431240 44 31240 02631334 Greene Greene CDP 57 S U1 914 336 15732648 44570 R N N +41.6987460 -071.7338694 +41.7047266 -071.7280667
G4210 28070251138926 4431600 44 31600 02378105 Greenville Greenville CDP 57 S U1 9061 3489 14395778 1483563 M N N +41.8820100 -071.5549102 +41.8799332 -071.5524151
G4210 280703939547070 4433040 44 33040 02629815 Harmony Harmony CDP 57 S U1 1036 489 7623134 60016 M N N +41.8963708 -071.6051342 +41.8993664 -071.6091310
G4210 28070251138927 4433400 44 33400 02378106 Harrisville Harrisville CDP 57 S U1 1745 837 2103497 111893 U N N +41.9686904 -071.6767650 +41.9674961 -071.6771239
G4210 28070467880791 4434660 44 34660 02378107 Hope Valley Hope Valley CDP 57 S U1 1870 787 8602919 527609 R N N +41.5150645 -071.7200620 +41.5140548 -071.7205597
G4210 280705332997469 4435200 44 35200 02631335 Hopkinton Hopkinton CDP 57 S U1 475 226 8552003 13185 M N N +41.4621730 -071.7782505 +41.4669447 -071.7810875
G4210 28070467880792 4438980 44 38980 02378108 Kingston Kingston CDP 57 S U1 7825 782 4031317 17479 U N N +41.4737349 -071.5235624 +41.4731787 -071.5241236
G4210 28070244552763 4445010 44 45010 02378109 Melville Melville CDP 57 S M2 1609 550 5433585 7852820 M N N +41.5607135 -071.3005455 +41.5595490 -071.3019333
G4210 280703939546951 4446000 44 46000 02631337 Misquamicut Misquamicut CDP 57 S U1 434 869 3037352 193344 M N N +41.3237974 -071.8219475 +41.3200869 -071.8270672
G4210 28070467880793 4448700 44 48700 02378110 Narragansett Pier Narragansett Pier CDP 57 S U1 3308 2310 9237826 1352033 M N N +41.4281951 -071.4663229 +41.4269942 -071.4665251
G4210 28070244552766 4450140 44 50140 02378111 Newport East Newport East CDP 57 S U2 12337 6123 14901338 526815 U N N +41.5159152 -071.2878076 +41.5158918 -071.2865528
G4210 28070251138929 4454460 44 54460 02378113 Pascoag Pascoag CDP 57 S U1 4641 1978 13134866 1270220 M N N +41.9519716 -071.7042303 +41.9537524 -071.7043807
G4210 280703939546995 4460260 44 60260 02631339 Quonochontaug Quonochontaug CDP 57 S U1 422 767 3480361 520422 M N N +41.3436320 -071.7056769 +41.3450824 -071.7046587
G4210 28070244552767 4470700 44 70700 02378114 Tiverton Tiverton CDP 57 S U1 7809 3779 10824752 6327790 M N N +41.6541095 -071.2011414 +41.6540154 -071.2003909
G4210 28070251138932 4472500 44 72500 02378115 Valley Falls Valley Falls CDP 57 S U1 12094 5027 9189162 322855 U N N +41.9232302 -071.3922214 +41.9234997 -071.3904977
G4210 28070467880794 4473132 44 73132 02378116 Wakefield-Peace Dale Wakefield-Peace Dale CDP 57 S U2 8925 4027 12769244 689659 M N N +41.4460346 -071.5001651 +41.4460961 -071.5003182
G4210 280703939546914 4475200 44 75200 02631341 Watch Hill Watch Hill CDP 57 S U1 212 394 2076242 37519 M N N +41.3157455 -071.8487076 +41.3153811 -071.8468095
G4210 280703939546975 4475920 44 75920 02631342 Weekapaug Weekapaug CDP 57 S U1 467 657 3011187 93017 M N N +41.3359185 -071.7634489 +41.3374238 -071.7619214
G4210 28070467880795 4476820 44 76820 02378117 Westerly Westerly CDP 57 S U1 18423 9195 41010350 1779827 M N Y +41.3722675 -071.8069344 +41.3733005 -071.8067829
G4210 280703939547062 4480960 44 80960 02629816 Wyoming Wyoming CDP 57 S U1 415 195 2233182 115607 R N N +41.5143254 -071.6903350 +41.5134720 -071.6890880