2020DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> TIGERweb2020 LINEAR HYDROGRAPHY - Virginia
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TIGERweb Decennial County-Based Data Files
Linear Hydrography (Data as of January 1, 2020)

51001 Accomack 51071 Giles 51143 Pittsylvania 51580 Covington
51003 Albemarle 51073 Gloucester 51145 Powhatan 51590 Danville
51005 Alleghany 51075 Goochland 51147 Prince Edward 51595 Emporia
51007 Amelia 51077 Grayson 51149 Prince George 51600 Fairfax
51009 Amherst 51079 Greene 51153 Prince William 51610 Falls Church
51011 Appomattox 51081 Greensville 51155 Pulaski 51620 Franklin
51013 Arlington 51083 Halifax 51157 Rappahannock 51630 Fredericksburg
51015 Augusta 51085 Hanover 51159 Richmond 51640 Galax
51017 Bath 51087 Henrico 51161 Roanoke 51650 Hampton
51019 Bedford 51089 Henry 51163 Rockbridge 51660 Harrisonburg
51021 Bland 51091 Highland 51165 Rockingham 51670 Hopewell
51023 Botetourt 51093 Isle of Wight 51167 Russell 51678 Lexington
51025 Brunswick 51095 James City 51169 Scott 51680 Lynchburg
51027 Buchanan 51097 King and Queen 51171 Shenandoah 51683 Manassas
51029 Buckingham 51099 King George 51173 Smyth 51685 Manassas Park
51031 Campbell 51101 King William 51175 Southampton 51690 Martinsville
51033 Caroline 51103 Lancaster 51177 Spotsylvania 51700 Newport News
51035 Carroll 51105 Lee 51179 Stafford 51710 Norfolk
51036 Charles City 51107 Loudoun 51181 Surry 51720 Norton
51037 Charlotte 51109 Louisa 51183 Sussex 51730 Petersburg
51041 Chesterfield 51111 Lunenburg 51185 Tazewell 51735 Poquoson
51043 Clarke 51113 Madison 51187 Warren 51740 Portsmouth
51045 Craig 51115 Mathews 51191 Washington 51750 Radford
51047 Culpeper 51117 Mecklenburg 51193 Westmoreland 51760 Richmond
51049 Cumberland 51119 Middlesex 51195 Wise 51770 Roanoke
51051 Dickenson 51121 Montgomery 51197 Wythe 51775 Salem
51053 Dinwiddie 51125 Nelson 51199 York 51790 Staunton
51057 Essex 51127 New Kent 51510 Alexandria 51800 Suffolk
51059 Fairfax 51131 Northampton 51515 Bedford 51810 Virginia Beach
51061 Fauquier 51133 Northumberland 51520 Bristol 51820 Waynesboro
51063 Floyd 51135 Nottoway 51530 Buena Vista 51830 Williamsburg
51065 Fluvanna 51137 Orange 51540 Charlottesville 51840 Winchester
51067 Franklin 51139 Page 51550 Chesapeake
51069 Frederick 51141 Patrick 51570 Colonial Heights

All files are in html format unless otherwise noted.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Geography Division | geo.tigerweb@census.gov | Last Revised: November 30, 2024