2020DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> TIGERweb2020 LINEAR HYDROGRAPHY - Kentucky
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TIGERweb Decennial County-Based Data Files
Linear Hydrography (Data as of January 1, 2020)

21001 Adair 21061 Edmonson 21121 Knox 21181 Nicholas
21003 Allen 21063 Elliott 21123 Larue 21183 Ohio
21005 Anderson 21065 Estill 21125 Laurel 21185 Oldham
21007 Ballard 21067 Fayette 21127 Lawrence 21187 Owen
21009 Barren 21069 Fleming 21129 Lee 21189 Owsley
21011 Bath 21071 Floyd 21131 Leslie 21191 Pendleton
21013 Bell 21073 Franklin 21133 Letcher 21193 Perry
21015 Boone 21075 Fulton 21135 Lewis 21195 Pike
21017 Bourbon 21077 Gallatin 21137 Lincoln 21197 Powell
21019 Boyd 21079 Garrard 21139 Livingston 21199 Pulaski
21021 Boyle 21081 Grant 21141 Logan 21201 Robertson
21023 Bracken 21083 Graves 21143 Lyon 21203 Rockcastle
21025 Breathitt 21085 Grayson 21145 McCracken 21205 Rowan
21027 Breckinridge 21087 Green 21147 McCreary 21207 Russell
21029 Bullitt 21089 Greenup 21149 McLean 21209 Scott
21031 Butler 21091 Hancock 21151 Madison 21211 Shelby
21033 Caldwell 21093 Hardin 21153 Magoffin 21213 Simpson
21035 Calloway 21095 Harlan 21155 Marion 21215 Spencer
21037 Campbell 21097 Harrison 21157 Marshall 21217 Taylor
21039 Carlisle 21099 Hart 21159 Martin 21219 Todd
21041 Carroll 21101 Henderson 21161 Mason 21221 Trigg
21043 Carter 21103 Henry 21163 Meade 21223 Trimble
21045 Casey 21105 Hickman 21165 Menifee 21225 Union
21047 Christian 21107 Hopkins 21167 Mercer 21227 Warren
21049 Clark 21109 Jackson 21169 Metcalfe 21229 Washington
21051 Clay 21111 Jefferson 21171 Monroe 21231 Wayne
21053 Clinton 21113 Jessamine 21173 Montgomery 21233 Webster
21055 Crittenden 21115 Johnson 21175 Morgan 21235 Whitley
21057 Cumberland 21117 Kenton 21177 Muhlenberg 21237 Wolfe
21059 Daviess 21119 Knott 21179 Nelson 21239 Woodford

All files are in html format unless otherwise noted.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Geography Division | geo.tigerweb@census.gov | Last Revised: November 30, 2024