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TIGERweb Decennial County-Based Data Files
Local Roads (Data as of January 1, 2020)

29001 Adair 29059 Dallas 29117 Livingston 29175 Randolph
29003 Andrew 29061 Daviess 29119 McDonald 29177 Ray
29005 Atchison 29063 DeKalb 29121 Macon 29179 Reynolds
29007 Audrain 29065 Dent 29123 Madison 29181 Ripley
29009 Barry 29067 Douglas 29125 Maries 29183 St. Charles
29011 Barton 29069 Dunklin 29127 Marion 29185 St. Clair
29013 Bates 29071 Franklin 29129 Mercer 29186 Ste. Genevieve
29015 Benton 29073 Gasconade 29131 Miller 29187 St. Francois
29017 Bollinger 29075 Gentry 29133 Mississippi 29189 St. Louis
29019 Boone 29077 Greene 29135 Moniteau 29195 Saline
29021 Buchanan 29079 Grundy 29137 Monroe 29197 Schuyler
29023 Butler 29081 Harrison 29139 Montgomery 29199 Scotland
29025 Caldwell 29083 Henry 29141 Morgan 29201 Scott
29027 Callaway 29085 Hickory 29143 New Madrid 29203 Shannon
29029 Camden 29087 Holt 29145 Newton 29205 Shelby
29031 Cape Girardeau 29089 Howard 29147 Nodaway 29207 Stoddard
29033 Carroll 29091 Howell 29149 Oregon 29209 Stone
29035 Carter 29093 Iron 29151 Osage 29211 Sullivan
29037 Cass 29095 Jackson 29153 Ozark 29213 Taney
29039 Cedar 29097 Jasper 29155 Pemiscot 29215 Texas
29041 Chariton 29099 Jefferson 29157 Perry 29217 Vernon
29043 Christian 29101 Johnson 29159 Pettis 29219 Warren
29045 Clark 29103 Knox 29161 Phelps 29221 Washington
29047 Clay 29105 Laclede 29163 Pike 29223 Wayne
29049 Clinton 29107 Lafayette 29165 Platte 29225 Webster
29051 Cole 29109 Lawrence 29167 Polk 29227 Worth
29053 Cooper 29111 Lewis 29169 Pulaski 29229 Wright
29055 Crawford 29113 Lincoln 29171 Putnam 29510 St. Louis
29057 Dade 29115 Linn 29173 Ralls

All files are in html format unless otherwise noted.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Geography Division | geo.tigerweb@census.gov | Last Revised: November 30, 2024