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TIGERweb Decennial County-Based Data Files
2010 Census Blocks

13001 Appling 13083 Dade 13163 Jefferson 13245 Richmond
13003 Atkinson 13085 Dawson 13165 Jenkins 13247 Rockdale
13005 Bacon 13087 Decatur 13167 Johnson 13249 Schley
13007 Baker 13089 DeKalb 13169 Jones 13251 Screven
13009 Baldwin 13091 Dodge 13171 Lamar 13253 Seminole
13011 Banks 13093 Dooly 13173 Lanier 13255 Spalding
13013 Barrow 13095 Dougherty 13175 Laurens 13257 Stephens
13015 Bartow 13097 Douglas 13177 Lee 13259 Stewart
13017 Ben Hill 13099 Early 13179 Liberty 13261 Sumter
13019 Berrien 13101 Echols 13181 Lincoln 13263 Talbot
13021 Bibb 13103 Effingham 13183 Long 13265 Taliaferro
13023 Bleckley 13105 Elbert 13185 Lowndes 13267 Tattnall
13025 Brantley 13107 Emanuel 13187 Lumpkin 13269 Taylor
13027 Brooks 13109 Evans 13189 McDuffie 13271 Telfair
13029 Bryan 13111 Fannin 13191 McIntosh 13273 Terrell
13031 Bulloch 13113 Fayette 13193 Macon 13275 Thomas
13033 Burke 13115 Floyd 13195 Madison 13277 Tift
13035 Butts 13117 Forsyth 13197 Marion 13279 Toombs
13037 Calhoun 13119 Franklin 13199 Meriwether 13281 Towns
13039 Camden 13121 Fulton 13201 Miller 13283 Treutlen
13043 Candler 13123 Gilmer 13205 Mitchell 13285 Troup
13045 Carroll 13125 Glascock 13207 Monroe 13287 Turner
13047 Catoosa 13127 Glynn 13209 Montgomery 13289 Twiggs
13049 Charlton 13129 Gordon 13211 Morgan 13291 Union
13051 Chatham 13131 Grady 13213 Murray 13293 Upson
13053 Chattahoochee 13133 Greene 13215 Muscogee 13295 Walker
13055 Chattooga 13135 Gwinnett 13217 Newton 13297 Walton
13057 Cherokee 13137 Habersham 13219 Oconee 13299 Ware
13059 Clarke 13139 Hall 13221 Oglethorpe 13301 Warren
13061 Clay 13141 Hancock 13223 Paulding 13303 Washington
13063 Clayton 13143 Haralson 13225 Peach 13305 Wayne
13065 Clinch 13145 Harris 13227 Pickens 13307 Webster
13067 Cobb 13147 Hart 13229 Pierce 13309 Wheeler
13069 Coffee 13149 Heard 13231 Pike 13311 White
13071 Colquitt 13151 Henry 13233 Polk 13313 Whitfield
13073 Columbia 13153 Houston 13235 Pulaski 13315 Wilcox
13075 Cook 13155 Irwin 13237 Putnam 13317 Wilkes
13077 Coweta 13157 Jackson 13239 Quitman 13319 Wilkinson
13079 Crawford 13159 Jasper 13241 Rabun 13321 Worth
13081 Crisp 13161 Jeff Davis 13243 Randolph

All files are in html format unless otherwise noted.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Geography Division | geo.tigerweb@census.gov | Last Revised: November 30, 2024